Baked Corned Beef with Sauerkraut – T.Linder

Recipes by Request : a play on what happens during a DJ’s set… combining my love of cooking with the featured guest DJ.


Background Story:

Here’s my Corned Beef recipe. I’ve become somewhat of a connoisseur over the years, and after much experimentation and recipe-tweaking, this is my favorite. It’s perfect for Reuben Sandwiches, St. Patrick’s Day, or any day! Enjoy!



Baked Corned Beef:

  • 3 lb Corned Beef
  • 1/2 Cup Whole Grain Mustard
  • 1 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
  • Beer


  • 1 Jar/Package of Sauerkraut
  • 1 Package of Thick-Cut Bacon
  • 1 Vidalia (Sweet) Onion


Baked Corned Beef:

  1. Take a corned beef that’s about 3 pounds, put it in a pot with some cold water, and bring it to a boil. The end product will be way too salty if you skip this step.
  2. While that is happening, preheat your oven to 350°F
  3. After the beef pot is boiling take the meat out and slather that shit with whole grain mustard (I used a garlic-whole grain mustard).
  4. Then rub it up with some dark brown sugar.
  5. Wrap in foil leaving some space on the top & sides so a crust develops.
  6. Put the foil wrapped meat on a cookie sheet and bake for 3 hours (one hour per pound). -I actually did it at 350° for 2 hours and 325° for a couple hours so the fat has a chance to render.
  7. When you finish baking, unwrap the top of the foil and broil the meat so the sugar and mustard bubbles up and develops a caramelized crust. I just check it by sight.
  8. Slice and pour some of the resultant meat/mustard/brown sugar juices that are in the foil on the meat.
  9. Enjoy with a delicious beer of your choice. I recommend Bud Light.


  1. Cut one package of bacon into 1” pieces.
  2. Fry bacon in a pot, but not too hot, not to the point where it crisps up.
  3. Add at least one sweet onion cut to roughly the same size as the bacon.
  4. Let them sweat down in the bacon fat, but not to the point where they lose all of their crunch.
  5. Drain a jar of sauerkraut and rinse it with water to take some of the acidic edge off of the sauerkraut. Add it to the bacon & onions (you can drain some of the bacon grease if you want, I didn’t though)
  6. Cook on high heat stirring periodically until the kraut starts to caramelize.
  7. Add dark brown sugar to taste.
  8. Serve it up and enjoy.