Destination Detroit : Tangent Gallery

Spotlighting a place in Detroit chosen by the DJ providing the guest mix. Always support local.

What is your favorite place in Detroit?

06.09.2021 // CoveLove

“Tangent Gallery has a special place in my heart. I performed one of my first shows leading a band there, following that put on my first event I booked myself with 7 bands and 4 DJs, and now have had some of the biggest shows I’ve ever put on and the best nights of my life there. Everyone involved at Tangent feels like one big family, the bartenders, A Bazaar Universe, Monster Foods, dogs and wizards. There’s a unique energy there that makes you feel like you can really be yourself and get weird which is what Detroit is about.”

– CoveLove

Find out more about the events at Tangent, here.