Destination Worldwide (Tokyo) : Apartment Rooftop + Shibuya Crossing

Spotlighting a place somewhere on the globe chosen by the DJ providing the guest mix.

Where is your favorite place?

12.04.2021 // ruitokyo

“My favorite part of Tokyo is my rooftop. It makes me feel like a free bird and I am able to use it to connect to people who are far from me through streaming. I also love Shibuya Crossing because of all the different energies you come across there. I live very close to it and I love to go there and stop and look around at all the people passing by and wonder what they’re thinking. More than one million people cross through there every day, and it has over 7,000 restaurants and 2 of the best clubs in the world (Contact and Vent), but nearby at my apartment it is quiet enough that you can hear the birds. That’s another thing that I love about Tokyo is that you can be somewhere crowded, and then a side street is quiet, calm, clean, and very safe.”


Watch a video on Shibuya Crossing, here.