Spotlighting a place somewhere on the globe chosen by the DJ providing the guest mix.
Where is your favorite place?
07.06.2021 // mearzie

“Regarding my favorite place: Life has a funny way of showing you what you need when you do not realize you need it. I have always been a homebody, but it has been solidified even more during the pandemic. (Holy cow! We are actually living during a world-wide pandemic!) When I moved to Virginia from Chicago, three years ago, my partner started teaching me how to DJ. This is something that I always dreamt of doing, but did not have the means or know-how to start this journey on my own. Bit by bit and as the confidence grew as I started improving my skillset, I started streaming on Twitch. Remember, this has been during the pandemic, so there has been ample time to dedicate towards it. The photo you see is during a guest stream from October 2020. This has become my favorite place; behind the decks, in my living room, with my partner and our cats, our Nanoleafs and my love of music. Being asked to come up with my favorite place really threw me, as I could not really think of one place that I love more than any other (Chicago aside :D). My answer will always be home because there is where my soul is happiest. <3”
– mearzie