live – vol. 007 : Ross Regs + Interview


This week’s guest mix is a short and sweet 30-minute mix provided by Ross Regs. He is known for his eclectic style and track selection, always creating a diverse sound, while implementing various samples and being concise with his mixing and transitions. This style is also translated into the original tracks he produces. Just last week, he played a set at The High Dive in Hamtramck with Jorrisen, part of a Litework Detroit event.

Ross is also known for being 1/2 of the DJ duo Twin Cousin, with Doug Eng. Together, they have played sets all around the city of Detroit, including at the music festivals Movement and Charivari, The Works, Grenadier, Grasshopper Underground, TV Lounge, and moreā€¦ also having releases on We Jack, HotBoi Records, and Audiophile XXL.

I am very excited to have Ross on as the guest for live this week. His sets have always intrigued me, and I knew right away that I wanted him to participate in this mix series. In his interview, we talk about things like the mix he created, how his sound has evolved as a DJ and producer, his favorite books, drink, and film, how he has been navigating this era of music and COVID-19, and more.

I hope you enjoy his mix, now on SoundCloud! What genre / sound would you call your mix? And is there anything in particular that we should listen for in your mix ?

Ross: It’s hard to put this mix into one specific genre or category, and I think that perfectly describes me as an artist/DJ. I like a little of everything, I try to always convey that diversity in my sets. This mix has some irregular rhythms, some acid, some jackin’ Chicago style house. Something to pay attention to in this mix is the array of vocal samples throughout. How has your sound / taste evolved throughout the years and going along with that, how long have you been DJing/producing/in music?

Ross: Over the years I’ve always had tried experimenting with different genres, starting with hip-hop into house and techno, lately going way out in left field. My latest creations in the studio seem to defy any genre. I’ve been trying to really step outside my comfort zone. Staying in the same lane for years gets stagnant. I’ve been DJing for almost 14 years, producing for about 8 years now. Yeah, lately the tracks you’ve posted on your SoundCloud have been more chill like You Are I and Echoes of Your Mind. I’ve been digging them and the mood they present… is there any story or inspiration behind either of those tracks in particular?

Ross: Honestly when I got temporarily laid off back in March, I was able to really jump back into the studio full time. I guess once I had all the time in front of me, I just started to branch out and explore different ideas. The absence of the club environment had me straying away from dance floor music. Feeling very much at home lately, as far as my creative workflow goes. Is there a method you have when you prepare a mix for recording or a set for playing a gig, and are there certain things that make a track stand out to you?

Ross: When it comes to recording a mix, I usually just want to showcase my favorite tracks that I’m really feeling at the time. As far as playing a gig, it’s the same overall idea but geared more toward the venue or the time slot, and finding the right fit for the room I’m playing to. When I’m digging for new music it’s rather simple, if I like it, I’m buying it/playing it out. No rules or limitations. Do you have any upcoming gigs you’d like to give a heads up about?

Ross: I don’t have any upcoming gigs at the moment. How have you been navigating this era of COVID-19 and music?

Ross: I haven’t paid much attention to whats going on to be honest. I did a few at home live streams, I’ve watched a few streams others have done over the past few months. I’ve taken the time to really just hole up in the studio and focus on my own production, patiently waiting for the return to “normal”. So, I personally found out about you a few years ago when I saw you & Doug as Twin Cousin, how did that partnership come about & how would you compare that project/that sound vs your own solo project?

Ross: We met through the scene like almost 10 years ago, our styles became increasingly similar and decided to jump into a studio session back in 2014 and the rest is pretty much history. We instantly clicked and wanted to take it to another level. My solo sound has become a bit darker and heavier. Doug and I are still very close friends, we just decided to pursue different creative avenues. What is your day job outside of music?

Ross: I work a 9-5 for for my family owned business. It’s a very relaxed environment that doesn’t necessarily get in the way of my music or drain my creative energy which I’m very thankful for. What are your hobbies/passions outside of music?

Ross: Although music is my number one and the majority of my time is devoted to it, the only other things I really do are disc golf and read books. How did you get into disc golf and what are some of your favorite books?

Ross: A friend took me out to disc golf in high school and I instantly fell in love and have been playing ever since. As far as books go, I’m super into anything in the realm of philosophy and anthropology. Some favorites would be The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker and The Joyous Cosmology by Alan Watts. I am always looking to improve myself and learn more on human behavior. Since you’re into philosophy, are there any ideals/ideas that you kind of follow or implement in your everyday life?

Ross: I try to follow what is called “The Fourth Way” by George Gurdjieff. It is his approach to self-development that combines and harmonizes what he saw as three established traditional “ways” or “schools”: those of the emotions, the body, and the mind, or of monks, fakirs, and yogis, respectively. Do you have a favorite film?

Ross: No County for Old Men. A favorite drink?

Ross: Beer, lol. Would you rather go camping for a week, or be on a cruise ship for a week?

Ross: Definitely camping over a cruise. Tacos vs. Burritos?

Ross: That’s an insanely tough one. I’m gonna go with burritos. Do you have any goals for yourself with your music?

Ross: The only goal I have for myself with my music is to stay true to myself and to keep doing it for the love and no other reason.

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Make sure you check out Ross’ Destination Detroit (TV Lounge) and his Recipe by Request ( Gang Keaw Wan) that will be posted Friday. His mix is now on SoundCloud.