Movement Moment Monday – Augustus Williams

Honing in on some favorite moments at Movement Electronic Music Festival, what the mix guest is looking forward to, how they are preparing, and some tips for first-time attendees.

23.05.2022 // Augustus Williams What does Movement mean to you?

Augustus: Oh man, Movement means a lot of things. I can’t even describe it. It means everything. When I went to DEMF for the 2nd year I felt like I was at home. I had a great time and I met a lot of people and every year we all look forward to that feeling again, seeing everyone and sharing all our stories and listening to great music. What are you most looking forward to this year in particular?

Augustus: Seeing everybody for sure. There have been so many people that have called me about seeing me and I wish I could multiply myself. I think because it’s the first time we’ve been back since COVID that there will be a lot of people crying. The festival almost feels brand new, in a way. Even if I wasn’t playing this year for the first time, it would still feel brand new to me. I’m excited to all come together again and celebrate our music. This year is your well-deserved Movement debut – how did it feel when they asked you to play?

Augustus: I was at work. I got the text from Chuck asking for my email and the first thing I wondered was how he got my number! I couldn’t remember ever giving it to him. I had to finish my 8-hour shift and then I started calling everybody. My mom, my sister, and some friends. Here we go! I still don’t feel like it’s happening. When I step into Hart Plaza I feel like that’s when it’s actually going to hit me. I’m just going to try and put on for my people and have a good time. I’ve worked really hard. I’m glad I’ve had a lot of support. I’ve had tons of people calling and emailing me, congratulating me and saying that they’ll be there for my set and that feels really good. I got a photographer and a videographer coming which is all new to me. I feel so blessed. Shoutout to Chuck and Paxahau. Thank you. What is a memorable festival moment that you’ve had?

Augustus: The year that Robert Hood played in the Underground with some sort of 3D mapping going on and a mirror thing in the center. Robert Hood is one of my idols, my number one live act – that’s the dude. I don’t dance a lot and let me tell you down at that set I never danced so hard in my life. I can remember it like it was yesterday. What are some tips that you have for Movement first timers?

Augustus: Bring fresh socks. A change of socks cannot be underestimated. I’ve heard horror stories from friends that don’t wear socks or don’t change their wet and sweaty socks. So please change your socks. And stay hydrated! Experience the music. There is going to be a lot of great music – don’t be biased, check out the locals as well.