Placinte cu Brinza (Romanian Cheese Pastries) – Andrea Ghita

Recipes by Request : a play on what happens during a DJ’s set… combining my love of cooking with the featured guest DJ.


Background Story:

“I chose this recipe because it was one of my childhood favorites that Mama Ghita would make. She helped me translate the recipe from her Romanian recipe book.”

-Andrea Ghita



  • 2 Frozen pastry sheets, defrosted
  • Butter (as needed)
  • 2 Eggs
  • Asiago cheese
  • Feta cheese
  • Shredded Italian cheese mix


  1. Defrost the pastry sheets.
  2. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Grease the baking dish with softened or melted butter.
  4. Use a rolling pin to flatten and stretch the first pastry sheet, so that it covers the entire bottom of the baking dish.
  5. Place the first pastry sheet into the baking dish, curling edges upward along the sides of the dish.
  6. Combine the cheeses of your choosing with one egg yolk.
  7. Pour cheese mixture into the baking dish, on top of the first pastry sheet.
  8. Use a rolling pin on the second pastry sheet to flatten and stretch.
  9. Cover the baking dish with the second pastry sheet, tucking edges downward to contain the cheese within the pastries while baking.
  10. Mix the remaining egg yolk with 1 TBS of water, and brush the top pastry sheet.
  11. Pierce the top pastry sheet, all over and evenly spaced, with a fork.
  12. Bake at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.
  13. Check at 20 minutes for a flaky, golden-brown top pastry.
  14. Pop back in for additional time, as needed. 
  15. Enjoy!