Destination Detroit : Dequindre Cut

Spotlighting a place in Detroit chosen by the DJ providing the guest mix. Always support local.

What is your favorite place in Detroit?

08.03.2021 // Rankor

“My favorite place in Detroit right now has got to be the Dequindre Cut. It’s a mile long biking/walking path running straight through Eastern Market and the old Detroit Freight Yards. I’ve been gravitating towards it a lot lately because it’s a great spot to hit up with my E-longboard. I usually start off at the Dequindre Cut, grab a drink at the Freight Yard then scoot around the city! It’s just a really cool location with lots of neat pop up events happening there. You can always find people biking, running, walking dogs and picnicking with their families. I’m excited for the rumored expansion they’re planning on doing to it in the future!”

– Rankor

Keep up with the Dequindre Cut Freight Yard and any events, here.