Destination Detroit : Green Dot Stables

Spotlighting a place in Detroit chosen by the DJ providing a guest mix. Always support local.

What is your favorite place in Detroit?

07.12.2020 // Paul Roy (Heddy Frenz)

“Definitely Green Dot Stables. There was one experience where a group of us went and consumed one of everything on the menu, including every variation of fry and dessert that they had…all of us at the table ate every single thing. It was a great experience, a great time. Everything is small enough to just eat the shit out of, and we did do just that. It was delicious. The atmosphere is also pretty chill. The waitress was also pretty nice to us, asking if we needed anything else. And the response was, yes actually – I’d like that fudge smore, that peanut butter brownie… and so on. All their sliders are really good.”

– Paul Roy (Heddy Frenz / Paul Roy Cuisine)

You can find the restaurant at 2200 W Lafayette Blvd, Detroit, MI 48216

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