Destination Detroit : Hart Plaza

Spotlighting a place in Detroit chosen by the DJ providing the guest mix. Always support local.

What is your favorite place in Detroit?

04.01.2021 // RAEDY LEX

Hart Plaza, Detroit. Photo taken by Ruby Vailliencourt on May 25th, 2020.

“I love Hart Plaza. My first experience there was in 2005 at DEMF. I told my parents that I was going to a Memorial Day BBQ with a friend. My world was forever changed. Since then, I have only missed two Movements. It’s amazing how a place can make you feel completely at home. I tend to go there on days where I feel lost. I have done multiple photo shoots, attended protests, juggled on the Riverwalk, and just enjoyed my time with myself and others! I am thankful for Hart Plaza and how it has absolutely shaped my life.”


Find out more about Movement at their website, here.