Thoughts Post Movement Set – Vincent Patricola b2b Jesse Cory

I was able to catch up with each of the Road to Movement featured DJs (and a few surprise guests) after their Movement sets for a quick lightning round of a few questions. Photos by me!


Vince and Jesse kicked off the Detroit stage on Monday afternoon – a set filled with groove and funk to feed some energy into tired festivalgoers. I was able to catch up with them for a few moments after their set, and these were their thoughts: How do you two feel post-set now that you opened up the Detroit stage for the last day of the festival?

Vince: I feel great! I’m amazed that Jesse and I are still awake – we’ve been at it quite a bit this weekend. We tried to lay a nice groovy set before the untz-untz-untz all day, a nice punch of soul and a little ear break.

Jesse: It felt great being here in Hart Plaza and performing in front of these beautiful people, and thinking about how much this music means to everybody…how people can lose themselves in it and think about love and happiness and joy, and that’s what dance music is about. It was great to share it here with everybody. You were previously talking about how you would bring some of the Spotlite heavy hitting tracks to your set here – what’s a track you played that you feel like people should know about?

Jesse: I don’t think anything we have has been made in the last ten years.

Vince: Colonel Abrams – Don’t Hurt My Feelings. Vince, how did your Detroit Electronic Quarterly release event go last week?

Vince: It went really well! We had a great time. It was at Ima’s new location which used to be Gold Cash Gold. I made a bunch of phone calls and it became like a small industry party which was nice. 

Listen to Vince & Jesse’s Road to Movement Mix, here.

Stay tuned for the next several featured artists and their thoughts post-set!

Andrea Ghita

Augustus Williams

Vincent Patricola b2b Jesse Cory

DJ Seoul


Henry Brooks


Justin Martin